Wall Street Greetings Case Study

Company Background

Wall Street Greetings provides customized greeting cards for companies in the financial services industry. They have several large banking industry clients and several replicated sites specific to each client.

This client was facing a costly Magento 2 upgrade. Razoyo recommended, considering the cost, that they evaluate BigCommerce, in order to reduce future hosting, upgrade, and maintenance costs.


New Design

  • Doogma configurator integration
  • Page customization
  • Special pricing per customer group
  • Extremely complex catalog/product structure

Much of the budget went to migrating the data from Magento to BigCommerce due to the complexity of catalog data required to drive the configurator. This was exacerbated by the fact that BigCommerce had product data structure limitations to overcome specifically related to the shared modifiers required for customization.


We worked with the client to review and identify a platform that would meet their future needs while avoiding expensive version upgrade costs, namely Shopify and BigCommerce. Razoyo and the client reviewed Shopify and BigCommerce. BigCommerce came ahead a clear winner based on the client’s custom product page.

We cleaned up the catalog from Magento 2 and migrated it to the BigCommerce platform. Razoyo worked with the client and BigCommerce to decide on a theme that made the most sense and required the least amount of customization to achieve the desired branding effect they wanted.

Razoyo was tasked with developing a custom product page that allowed for product customization on the site so the customers were able to view their product designs in real time. Working with Doogma and using their BigCommerce app, Razoyo was able to achieve the customization functionality and maintain branding imperatives at the same time.

Along the way, Razoyo ran into several unforeseen roadblocks related to the way BigCommerce handled the shared modifiers. Although most companies would not have experienced this issue, Wall Street Greeting’s complex and granular customization modifiers pushed us beyond some undocumented platform limitations. We resolved this by refactoring several data structures to achieve compatibility.

Once this solution was in place, we were able to proceed and launch the site successfully!


Now that the migration is complete, Wall Street Greetings enjoys one of the primary advantages of being on a SaaS platform: reduced ongoing costs. Although the cost of moving to BigCommerce was similar to the Magento upgrade, we expect the client to save the equivalent in platform upgrade costs within 2 years.

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