YOUR MAGENTO 1 SITE WILL BE HACKED I can’t tell you the time and date this will happen, but, eventually, hackers will get to it. If you are behind on security patches, your site may already be hacked and you just don’t know it. Hackers use crawlers to find Magento sites and test for vulnerabilities. Eventually, a vulnerability will emerge, a crawler will find your site and a hacker will exploit it. That’s how the internet works. Hackers are like flies on a corpse – they will eventually fill it with maggots.
EXTENSIONS WILL STOP WORKING The more extensions you use, the more vulnerable you are to being hacked. Additionally, ever since the announcement of Magento 2, extension developers have had a decreasing incentive to maintain their code. Updates for extensions will no longer be available and they will fall into disrepair.
YOUR CREDIT CARD PROCESSOR WILL DROP YOU Because your Magento site will be full of security holes, your payment processor will insist you fix them or they will drop you for presenting too big of a risk.
HOW MUCH IS A LOT? If you have more than a few hundred products, orders or customers to migrate to your new platform, you’ll need to do some substantial planning.
WHAT DOES A TYPICAL TIMELINE LOOK LIKE? We have migrated smaller merchants in as little as eight weeks while others took more than a full year to migrate. Your project plan should consider the following phases: Mapping current features to the new platform Rebuilding integrations with ERP, 3PLs and so on Mapping data for customers, products, orders Mapping data for advanced features like store credits Planning for SEO consequences Updating your design Incremental data moves Testing and quality control