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April 11, 2017 by Ethan Harmon


Dealing with fraudulent charges comes with the territory for e-retailers. Unfortunately, not everyone browsing your site for goods has good intentions. The eCommerce community is constantly plagued with a wave of site visitors that are hoping to score a full shopping cart for next-to-nothing. Without some sort of fraud prevention service in place, e-retailers will be susceptible to fees and losses in profit. One of Razoyo’s own clients was the victim of chargebacks - fees from credit-card providers to compensate for fraudulent or disputed transactions. Getting a fraud prevention service is something that we recommend to everyone of our clients, and there are several providers that rank high with e-retailers, including:


This is our go-to when it comes to our recommendations. We have worked with No Fraud for quite some time, now, and they have yet to do any wrong. Our support of this platform comes from the earlier mentioned client that was the victim of chargebacks. Ambush Board Co., a retailer of snowboards, clothing, and apparel, received $40k in chargeback fees in a 12-month span. Upon making the move to NoFraud, they have not received any chargebacks, and Ambush could not be happier with the service. NoFraud acts as a gateway for all transactions on the site, so if a transaction is to be approved, it must be screened in real-time. Now, not to sound like a broken record or an ad for the service, but take a look at their site for more information.


Though we have not utilized the services ourselves, we do know that Kount is the top choice for a lot of e-stores. Kount offers a plethora of services, depending on your wants and needs. They can offer analysis of login behavior, screen transactions, reports of IP addresses and proxies, etc. These services can be customized to accommodate the size and scope of your business. Of course, Kount can be tested before purchase by scheduling a live demo.

Get Protection

Regardless of which services you wish to employ for your site, getting some form of fraud prevention is a necessity. Want to avoid fees and prevent losses? Don’t want to dip into your profits to pay off chargebacks? Then you need fraud prevention. If you want to protect your customers and your business, then make the right decision. Get the protection and security your business needs.