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QA and Razoyo

When a client requests a service, whether it be custom development or an extension installation, quality assurance is a guarantee in their minds. No client thinks to themselves, “I really hope the developers employ thorough testing procedures before delivering a final product.” Clients don’t think this way, because anyone requesting work simply expects it to work properly. No bugs. Nothing breaks.

Razoyo is marching toward improving the QA process for not only our clients, but ourselves. We strive to deliver the best when receiving requests. While we always put 100% effort into our work, we are not perfect. We have made mistakes and we have not always caught issues with our projects. Instead of turning a blind-eye, we will be leaving from our past faults. Razoyo will improve QA, by doing the following:

Functionality Tests

These are always performed by the developers after new code is pushed. No matter how big or small the change, all developers are in charge of performing functionality tests – or tests to see if the new change functions properly and did not alter anything it was not supposed to. Razoyo has always done this, but we are pushing this a step further by adding an extra check. After the developer performs their test, they then pass the test to the QA Specialist to perform his own functionality test (after explaining the expected outcome, of course). Having a fresh set of eyes and a different perspective gives an opportunity to potentially catch bugs that may have been overlooked by the developer.

Regression Tests

Unlike the function test, the regression test checks for potential issues outside of the new change pushed. So, instead of making sure the new dropdown works, a regression test goes through the site and performs regular tasks outside of the change, looking for anything the push might alter or break. In the beginning stages, we did this test manually. The QA specialist would use the search feature, make sure category filters work, images were not broken, products could be added to the cart, and finally, complete a test purchase. Now, our Support Desk Admin has created automatic regression tests for all client sites. After function tests are passed, the Support Desk Admin is approached to run a test. Each regression test is recorded, so if a bug appears, the developer can view the video and pinpoint the moment in which the issue occurred.

Better Client Communication

Now, this is not to say that we at Razoyo are bad with communication. There is always room for improvement. On occasion, we are so wrapped up in solving a problem we forget to give a proper update. Instead of simply giving a text update, we will be adding more images. When possible, we want our clients to see the work being done, the issues we uncovered, or the changes made. It is on us to show, not only tell.

The Month of QA

To begin this new push into better QA, we are labeling August “The Month of QA.” This brand will be in the minds of all Razoyo employees as they complete tasks and work on new projects. Now, Auguest will not be the only month of QA. In fact, it’s the opposite. This is simply the launch pad for our improvements. It’s our starting point, and we will continue to grow as the months roll on.