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ShipperHQ Review: An Excellent "All-in-One" Extension

September 12, 2017 by Ethan Harmon

If you currently use Dimensional Shipping, Shipping Overrides, or any of the other WebShopApps extensions, you may be a bit shocked to see these are no longer available for M2. Instead, you will need to utilize ShipperHQ. Think of this extension as a combination of all the WebShopApps extensions rolled into one nice, easily-manageable system. Now, it may be a bit daunting jumping into a new extension, but let me tell you that after the initial (and small) learning curve, everything began to make sense. It’s a great extension with a lot to offer. Here are my thoughts after using ShipperHQ for several client sites:

Slight Learning Curve, Big Reward** **

Just like trying to operate anything new without experience, there is going to be a bit of confusion and frustration with the initial setup. You’re going to have to figure out the navigation, where each function and feature is located, and how to get the shipping rates to appear on your M2 site. Luckily, ShipperHQ supports a (mostly) helpful knowledge base to point you in the right direction.

Also, if you are feeling a little too lost, their support is very active and extremely helpful. I’ve contacted them several times and received a response quickly. Members of support were always able to easily explain what I need to do in order to fix/configure whatever feature I was attempting to use.

Everything in One Place

The big appeal of ShipperHQ is the all-in-one function of the extension. Instead of installing several different extensions, you pay a flat-monthly fee and host everything in one place. It’s convenient and makes dealing with shipping configurations much simpler. This should be obvious, but in practice it makes a world of difference.

As the application specialist, I deal with our clients’ shipping methods, carriers, rules, etc. If I need to make changes to multiple carriers or rules, it can really drag out the process by opening extension A, then saving and exporting a sheet from extension B. Moving through the different rules and carriers on ShipperHQ just takes a few clicks and BAM! I’m done.

Easy Updates and Changes

Most of our clients change their shipping rules. Some drop FedEx and pick up UPS. Some want to offer free shipping to specific shipping groups. Others want to use dimensional shipping for more accurate rates. Amazingly, I can make all of these updates in a ShipperHQ account in a few minutes, and that’s the beauty of the platform.

If you know (key word) what needs to be changed, then doing so is a breeze. Again, there is an adjustment period when you first begin setting up the ShipperHQ configuration, but after setting up one carrier or activating one special feature, you will know exactly where to go. And, after you are finished updating overrides or dimensional sizes, head to the M2 back-end and synchronize the data. [Note: This is an imperative step, so don’t forget it.]

Final Breakdown

I’ll just put it this way, if you currently use a WebShopApps extension that deals with shipping, or you believe you will need special shipping rules in place in the near future, then I suggest you look into ShipperHQ. It’s easy to navigate (after a bit of getting-used-to), the support is stellar, and the functionality is superb. For those wanting to try before you buy, check out the trial period. I’m sure you will see the benefits after giving it a spin.