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Halden's Internship Week 4

July 8, 2024 by Halden Kavanagh


Week 4 (6/17/24-6/21/24)

This week, I continued development on the blog site portion of the website. I transferred both of the website’s guides into blog posts, with the MagentoGeddon guide posing a particular challenge due to its complexity. Aside from that, I have been working on importing more blog posts and getting comfortable using Tailwind to style the blog pages. Tailwind’s utility-first approach is similar to Bootstrap’s inline styling, so it hasn’t been too difficult to learn.

It’s unfortunate, but since there is so much variation in the legacy site’s styling and formatting, I have to manually import posts to avoid issues. My process includes using CloudCannon to set the front matter as well as banners and thumbnails. The old site used just hugo, so having HTML and CSS code in markdown files was fine, however CloudCannon does not support this, and The CloudCannon content creator would not be available. Because of this, to avoid compatibility issues I have been copying the text directly from the Razoyo website. Since the text is technically markdown, the headers, subheaders, image syntax, etc… are carried over so all I have to do is change the image paths. It’s time consuming, but it is worlds better than copying the code from the old codebase and going through it to manually remove any remnants of the old site including html code and inline styling, which is common in older posts.

Newer blog posts are more consistently styled, so importing them will get easier as I progress.

Overall, it’s been a productive week. In addition to styling with Tailwind, I’ve also been refining the overall layout and structure of the blog site, ensuring that it is both user-friendly and visually appealing. I’ve started to explore some of Tailwind’s more advanced features, which has given me new ideas on how to enhance the site’s design. I’m looking forward to implementing these ideas and continuing to improve the site in the coming weeks.

Screenshot of a demo website
Screenshot of a demo website
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