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December 6, 2011 by Paul Byrne

I received these 8 Steps to Safe Holiday Shopping and merchant security from LifeLock in an email and couldn’t find a link, so, I’m posting it here. Great reminder that commerce is fueled by trust and security.

Shopping In-Store

  1. Stay aware of your surroundings and protect personal space at the ATM and registers.
  2. Inspect ATMs and point of sale terminals and look for tampering before swiping cards.
  3. Keep cards in sight when paying to deter dishonest cashiers.
  4. Store all receipts and closely check your monthly statements to verify transactions.

Shopping Online

  1. Be sure your anti-virus software is installed properly and up-to-date.
  2. Shop with retailers you trust and who have positive Better Business Bureau ratings.
  3. Avoid links and only visit shopping sites by directly typing in their website address.
  4. Don’t purchase items while using public computers or shared wireless networks.