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December 17, 2012 by Paul Byrne

In an effort to educate the vast numbers of eCommerce merchants, the team @Razoyo has added valuable information to the www.razoyo.com/other-services website. Razoyo is always looking for ways to train new merchants and empower existing ones. Viewable on the homepage, there are three new teasers with links, each contain an entire page of information for eCommerce merchants. The team finished updating the website this week and it includes key information about moving to Magento, an overview of Magento, and information for new eCommerce merchants to answer your merchant questions.

If a merchant is interested in moving their website to Magento, Razoyo has provided a complete project checklist to ensure every migration task has been considered. Moving a website is tricky and can be complicated but knowing what you’re getting into beforehand can save you both time and money. The site lists a basic checklist and a detailed checklist if you subscribe to the Razoyo newsletter. Honestly though, why wouldn’t you subscribe with content like this?

The detailed checklist for moving your web store contains the actual steps the Razoyo team completes on a typical migration to Magento GO. Of course, each project is customized to the client’s situation, but, the checklist can provide a guide and a window into the types of activities they will need to be prepared to take on for those wanting to migrate their own store.

As a merchant, maybe you aren’t very familiar with Magento and trying to decide between the three versions of Magento can be a challenge. In this web page, Razoyo summarizes the difference between Magento Go, Community, and Enterprise solutions. Each of these three choices has pros and cons and who better to explain them than a merchant team who works on them daily?

Newbies to eCommerce can run into a wall at 100 mph if they don’t know what they’re getting into first. This page is designed to help them slow down a bit and think about the implications of the grand web site they want to create before they get into the weeds of it.

The third new web page is a great starting point for new online merchants to use for brainstorming and developing strategy for their eCommerce business plan. It’s designed to help a new merchant think about how they plan to get customers, keep customers, find reliable shipping, get paid, and understand web store financing.

Each of these new web pages contain important information for online merchants, whether they are new or experienced in the eCommerce world.