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January 25, 2013 by Paul Byrne

This is lifted from an email I received from Magento GO. No matter which platform you are on, you may have to deal with this issue if you allow shipping via USPS. These changes do not seem disruptive, but they should still be noted. Feel free to contact Razoyo if you have any questions regarding the email below, or if you need help with your current shipping settings.

“Effective Sunday, January 27, 2013, USPS will be renaming two of their popular shipping methods, Parcel Post & First-Class Mail International Parcel:

  • Parcel Post will be renamed “Standard Post”
  • First-Class Mail International Parcel will be renamed “First-Class Package International Service”

If you currently offer either of these methods, you must update your USPS shipping configuration and cart price rules to reflect the new names.

If you do not make these updates, you will not be able to offer these two methods to your customers at check out."

Though the changes are minor, it is imperative to update you catalog and shopping cart price rules, as this directly effect them. If you are unfamiliar with these rules or how these rules are configured, do not hesitate to contact Razoyo. Our talented team will be able to help with any shipping or rule-based issues that you may experience.