July 19, 2013 by Paul Byrne
If you are a Magento Go user, you should have received an email recently from Magento Go stating they are moving you to their new data center and that you need to update your ‘A’ record. If you know what an ‘A’ record is, you’ve probably already done that, if not, you shouldn’t ignore it. If you want Razoyo to take care of it for you, this is the typical type of task you will see us cover in our Razoyo On Demand service. It’s cheap, and, you won’t have to worry about your site going down.
Payment Filter
They also talked about something called a payment filter, but, other than giving you an IP address to add to something called a ‘payment gateway IP address fraud filter.’ Which, even if you know what an A record is, unless you’ve dealt with a lot of payment fraud on your site, you probably haven’t even heard of this.
The good news is that you may not have to worry about it at all. In PayPal Payments Pro (or PayPal Payflow) and, this fraud filter is only available as an upgrade to your account. It doesn’t apply at all to PayPal Express. So, if you haven’t subscribed to some sort of advanced fraud filtering (about $10/mo), you don’t have a list of safe IP addresses to worry about.
If you are paying for the filter, or, want to in the future, here are the instructions for PayPal… has a very similar process.
To see if this applies to you, log into your PayPal account and click on the “Fraud Management” link. Then, “Edit Your Filter” settings. If you see an “Upgrade Now!” button on that page, then, you are not paying for the service and can ignore this issue. If so, click, on the “Edit” link in the “IP Address Velocity” row and add the IP address Magento sent you for the payment bridge. The IP address they gave me is, but, yours may be different.
Again, if you need help, feel free to contact Razoyo and inquire about our Razoyo On Demand service.