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May 26, 2015 by Paul Byrne

Inc.’s Online Article

This article in Inc’s online edition hit home for me, really reflected my story and entrepreneurial success. So much so, that, when they asked me to comment on it, I was happy to oblige.

While they are more than five things Entrepreneurs should be doing to further their own success, I felt like these five were definitely on the list of critical success factors that I often see ignored by Entrepreneurs I come in contact with.

  1. Value Every Relationship
  2. Don’t Hire Someone If You Don’t Understand What They Do
  3. 3.Seek Successful Entrepreneurs And Build Mentor Relationships
  4. Never Stop Innovating
  5. It’s All About Culture


The tip that really hits home for me is Culture. This is a short excerpt from the blog:

It has been said a million times, and for good reason - company culture matters. It makes teams happier, more productive, and more efficient. “Creating a value-centered company culture is the do-or-die duty of every entrepreneur,” says Paul Byrne, President of Razoyo. “Small and quickly-growing organizations are fragile and often composed of individuals with unorthodox backgrounds and ideas. Creating a culture where employees value the diversity of the people they work with and your customers or clients as human beings is often the only chance you have to protect the incubator."

Even a small company needs to have a culture. Maybe with small organizations, it’s more like a vibe than a culture, but, it’s tangible and incredibly important.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did.