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July 6, 2015 by Paul Byrne

A lot of people ask me what it is like to work at Razoyo. I normally respond, “I couldn’t tell you…every day is different.” Honestly, this is probably true for just about anyone working in eCommerce these days. New services, new challenges, Google algorithm changes, new types of security attacks, the list goes on and on.

And, if that is true for us, it is twice as true for our clients! They face the never-ending assault on their market position. Big players like Amazon who are ever increasing their presence in niche product lines complicate things. Damaging government action like the Marketplace Fairnesses Act doesn’t help, either. Staying on top requires quick thinking, an ability to reinvent your business model constantly, and a mastery of the basics – like great customer service – that doesn’t waver in the face of change.

So, while it is difficult to say what it is like to work here from a job perspective, we can talk about our culture. Razoyo is a team that sometimes acts like a family. We have a low-drama environment and enjoy having some fun together and with our clients.

On June 23, we all went to Top Golf in The Colony to embarrass ourselves by hitting a golf ball way to far from the pin to get points on most occasions. But, as usual, it was a great time!

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Smiles and bar food

Given our Italian heritage (Razoyo is a transliteration of the Italian word for rasor, rasoio), we are also a pizza-driven company. It’s not such a bad thing to work for a guy who is passionate about making pizza. I own a portable pizza oven, and my wife is from Italy (she thinks our employees are all too skinny). This confluence of inspiration and passion led to our first (of many to come) pizza days where we rolled out dough, sauced, topped and baked pizza to our hearts’ content.

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We also love to engage with our clients’ passions. 121 Giving is a perfect example. What a great concept and company to work with. How could you possibly argue with a group of incredibly smart and dedicated people building tools that enable all of us to do more good in the world? We love having them as a client and are highly motivated by their concept. So much so, that we ordered t-shirts for the whole team.


And you just never know when we’re going to get a new team member, like my new assistant Moka. We seem to find talent in some of the most amazing places.


Of course, the one constant is our passion for Magento. I’m always beating the drum with our new developers about getting certified. So, if you work here, you can definitely count on that.