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By Ethan Harmon

Magento, being the powerhouse eCommerce platform that it is, offers comprehensive shipping methods for all store views. Configuration is simple and straightforward. Also, setting up handling fees, shipping types, and specifying which shipping methods are available to customers. Basic customization is readily available to e-store owners, and for the more nitty-gritty aspects of shipping configuration, Magento provides a table rates section. However, these table rates can only go so far, i.e. setting up case-specific shipping methods such as weight vs. destination. If one needs further customization, two options exist. You can spend a lot of money and have a developer create the methods you require, or invest in the Shipping Overrides extension by WebShopApps.

Shipping Overrides essentially takes the basic table rates concept and adds a wave of options. As the name implies, the extension allows users to override the core shipping methods and apply custom rates. For example, surcharges can be added to specific product groups, special rates can be added when certain items are placed in the cart, shipping methods can be excluded from specified groups, and many other layers of definition can be applied.

overrides - backend

Products that receive rates from Overrides must be placed in a special shipping group. In order to do this, users must add the group name to the shipping group attribute. Then you apply the name under the “shipping” tab in the product page. It sounds simple enough, but ultimately, the extension will require attention to detail for it to work properly. Unlike the core shipping methods that Magento makes available in its back-end, Overrides requires all data to be entered in a .csv file. The task proves a little daunting at first, as several columns exist to fill in, and everything needs to be entered in perfectly. It does make the process easier as one becomes more familiar with the extension.

In order to correctly establish the rules you require, you need the proper algorithm, along with the correct group name and information. While not the easiest to remember, or understand, WebShopApps has created an all-inclusive Wiki. This explains the purpose of each algorithm, the outcomes when applied, and examples of situations in which each would be used. When working with the extension, it becomes obvious that the Wiki will become a go-to for information and solutions to minor issues, as the extension is not the simplest to utilize in the beginning stages.

overrides csv

The Shipping Overrides extension can be difficult to navigate initially. This is a second-to-none modification that most e-store owners will want to use. With a horizon of possibilities, the ability to customize and configure the ideal shipping method is now available. With the support of the Wiki and the WebShopApps team of experts, one can become a master of the extension. For the price of $429.99, Shipping Overrides proves its worth after its first use.

For more information on the extension, head to the Shipping Overrides page from WebShopApps and view a live demo.