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February 19, 2016 by Paul Byrne


Integration. This central factor unifying the ShipStation experience is its greatest selling point, and the feature that truly sets it apart from the competition. By offering a seamlessly integrated experience ShipStation, is a great solution for small to medium-sized businesses who need a simplified fulfillment service.

The entirely web-based solution integrates with more than 100 other services. Some of these notable eCommerce platforms include Amazon, Shopify, eBay, Etsy, Squarespace, WooCommerce, and of course, Magento! Furthermore, the service connects the fulfillment dots by integrating with many payment processors and shipping solutions such as PayPal, Spark Pay, Lime Light, USPS, FedEx, and UPS.


shipstation overview

ShipStation has a very intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing user interface with a modern design. The majority of the navigation throughout the interface is done with a primary horizontal menu, and a secondary vertical sub-menu. With this interface, the user can easily access reports, real time data, and transition between multiple stores at seamlessly.

The service offers many useful features in its web dashboard including a very handy tool that any Shipping Manager will most certainly appreciate, a Rate Calculator. With this convenient tool, a user can calculate instantly the exact amount a shipment will cost on all of their selected couriers without simulating an order. The tool is easily accessible in the primary horizontal menu.




ShipStation provides a great unified platform for a store’s entire shipping operation. To clarify, this means that a store with its own website, but also maintaining presence on eBay, Amazon, Best Buy Marketplace, or any number of platforms, can see all pending shipments simultaneously from one interface. As a result, ShipStation has achieved seamless integration that creates an enormous increase in efficiency for every store it serves.

Furthermore, ShipStation has mastered the art of automation. Depending on your preferred configuration, the service will generate orders in the way you desire, and offer all the available shipping options from the selected couriers. This makes it easy for the user to select package size, input shipping information, and manage labels. In short, the amount of flexibility ShipStation offers through its highly integrated services is astounding. ShipStation also learns from your store’s shipping patterns. As a result, it will curate settings based on your habits, saving time in the process.


Additionally, ShipStation provides users with a range of data reports. These reports prove useful when delegating company responsibilities, as well as when considering future marketing strategies. The greatest advantage to using reports through ShipStation is the aggregation of data from every platform your store is on.

shipstation reports


ShipStation is great at offering a variety of services to accommodate any budget. No matter the size of your company, or the complexity of your operation, ShipStation will surely fit your business needs.

  • Bronze - $25/month - 500 shipments/month - 1 user
  • Silver - $45/month - 1500 shipments/month - 2 users
  • Gold - $65/month - 3,000 shipments/month - 3 users
  • Platinum - $95/month - 6,000/shipments/month - 5 users
  • Enterprise - $145/month - Unlimited shipments/month - 10 users

Apart from these features, there are some limitations on branded packaging and the availability of live chat support depending on the desired package. Razoyo recommends purchasing the package that corresponds with your shipping quantity needs. The increased user count is a benefit to companies who want to restrict permissions on some users. It offers an especially great option for companies with multiple stores. However, it generally should not be considered as part of the cost/benefit analysis, as multiple employees can share user accounts if need be.

Through its flexibility and integration, ShipStation offers its users unparalleled efficiency, and true next generation eCommerce shipping solutions. If your store is interested, be sure to give the free trial a go!